Our Why


I was raised as a "Cradle Catholic," with memories of attending Mass every Sunday alongside my entire family. My parents immigrated from Ireland in their twenties with my siblings before I was born, and their Catholic faith served as a touchstone in their lives. Despite this devout upbringing, I encountered pivotal moments throughout my life that profoundly deepened my faith beyond mere obligation. One of these moments occurred when I was twelve and experienced anxiety for the first time. During Midnight Mass that year, I had a panic attack and my mother taught me the Rosary to pray during times of need. Despite years of counseling and medication, my struggles with anxiety persisted, punctuated by brief periods of relief. While professional help was beneficial, it never brought the lasting peace I sought. In an attempt to make meaning of my struggles, I trained as a mental health professional, driven by a desire to help others facing similar challenges.

There came a time when I temporarily ceased practicing Catholicism, engrossed in the demands of earning a living, establishing a career, purchasing a home, and maintaining a long-term relationship. I described myself then as spiritual but not religious, yet I found myself lacking any spiritual practice. Everything changed dramatically in 2018 following two consecutive concussions within three months. I battled headaches, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, and fatigue. During this tumultuous period, my relationship unexpectedly ended and I sold my home. Everything I had strived for suddenly vanished. Physically unwell and heartbroken, anxiety gripped me once more. It was then that I felt a compelling urge to return to my faith, a realization that hit me hard enough to bring me to my knees in prayer.

In the years that followed, I embarked on a quest to reconnect with my faith, exploring various Christian denominations and even delving into Eastern spiritual practices. Though I appreciated these experiences, I didn't feel the profound connection I sought. Then I discovered Hallow, a Christian prayer app with a Catholic focus, and began a daily prayer life. Making prayer and communion with God a priority marked a turning point. Suddenly, everything changed—I began to experience a deeper connection with Jesus Christ. After months of daily practice, I noticed a remarkable shift: more joy, less anxiety, and a profound sense of peace. I still believe in the benefit of mental health counseling and intervention; however, for me, I also needed to reconnect with my faith which brought about a profound healing of my soul. I've hesitated to share my spiritual journey openly, until now. I think I was afraid of being judged as well as being concerned that others would assume I was judging them. Through A Faith Project, I find myself at another pivotal moment—ready to share my faith openly. My hope is to inspire and encourage others to explore their own faith journey.


I was raised as a non-practicing Christian, but from a young age, I felt a longing for faith, often envying my friends' ability to participate in religious education and church. I couldn’t escape the feeling that I was missing out, but I was too young to fully grasp the attraction at the time. 

My formal introduction to organized religion came through my relationship with my husband Mike, who grew up Catholic. Attending mass with him regularly led me to decide to convert to Catholicism before we married. We raised our two daughters in the Catholic faith and I eventually became a Catechism teacher. 

Despite an outward appearance of being a “good Catholic”, I felt there was still something missing. I had a firm faith in Jesus, but lacked a close relationship with him. For many years I searched for greater connection through exploration of different religious traditions although I never ceased practicing with my Christian faith. During that time, I also was searching for a better sense of self-worth and health. I struggled with my weight for decades often relying on external tools, but never arriving at a place of peace with myself until I experienced a deepening of my faith. 

My spiritual journey took a transformative turn when I encountered the TV series, The Chosen. I started listening to the Hallow App. I dove head first into my Catholic Lenten practices, with a hunger to learn as much as I could about Jesus’ Passion. My practice evolved into a daily practice of reading, prayer, and adoration. The results have been life changing. 

I am a very successful corporate leader by any standard- except her own. There was one thing she felt she was missing: a deeper connection with her faith. Through a deeper relationship with Jesus, I experienced a profound sense of joy and peace. My lifetime struggle with weight and self-esteem continues to gradually disappear. I finally found the connection that I had been searching for. One of my greatest desires is to share with others the happiness and love I found in my faith in Jesus. Being vulnerable is scary, fear of judgement from others is real. I am the same person, only a better version of myself. Having experienced my own spiritual healing, I hope to help others in discovering their own meaningful connection with faith, through “a faith project”.